
Who are we and what do we do?

We are a small team of ecologists committed to sound conservation principles and good ethical practice. You can expect an extremely high standard of work based upon a broad range of ecological skills developed over 20 years of practice.

Our specialism is in wetland ecological assessment and mitigation. Work includes protected species surveys, wildlife surveys for development and surveys for conservation projects. The main focus of work is Herefordshire and surrounding counties, and the West Midlands of the United Kingdom.

Our Values:

We always aim to undertake work which has a positive outcome for wildlife. In modern developments where there is frequently limited space available this can be quite a challenge. Wildlife cannot be conserved unless it is first recorded and we pride ourselves on conducting thorough surveys. It is vitally important post development to achieve positive compensation for ecological displacement or disturbance. Wherever possible we strive to enhance development land for protected species and other plants animals and associated habitats. By maintaining very high environmental standards we see positive gains for clients as well as the local wildlife. Environmentally friendly development may be slightly more costly in the short-term but there are nearly always long-term financial benefits.

Our ethos is based on sustainable development principles where wildlife is not compromised but enhanced. Using specialist knowledge and skills we are able to compensate for potential wildlife loss by supplying a unique range of artificial refugia and hibernacula.


Aqua Biota Ecological Consultants holds:

  • Public Liability
  • Employers Liability
  • Professional Indemnity